Remember Emilio Estevez as Kirby Kieger from St. Elmo's Fire? His passion for Andy McDowell's character ruled his life and now I have been bitten by a similar craziness.
Sew, Mama, Sew sponsors these events twice a year and I am hooked.
Even-Graeter's-Ice-Cream-couldn't-get-me-away-from-this-computer hooked.
The giveaway monkey is on my back.
It's bad, man. Baaaaad, I tell you!
Of course, if I win anything it will all be worth the sleep deprivation, the caffeine flowing through my veins, the piles of laundry yearning to be clean.
Which brings me to the point of this post. I can't figure out how to put my contact information on Typepad. So, if I win something, how will anyone be able to tell me?
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Actually the prizes are pretty amazing. Fabric, patterns, handmade items, fabric, and more fabric. I guarantee, I will be doing the show and tell thing - old preschool teacher here - so you can be ready for next time when I join the giving away madness. I am already thinking about the prize package I will create. So, tune in next time for the further adventures of "Granny and the Giveaway" and learn if she ever sleeps, actually makes it to the grocery store, or wins something wonderful. (That was supposed to be a cliffhanger, folks.)