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You are such an inspiration, and I'm so glad that you are my friend. Congrats on getting into the design courses! That's great and I can't wait to see what you do!

Sarah S.

You are amazing, and I know you will knock it out of the park. I am truly so excited for you. To new beginnings!


Heather and Sarah, "Thank you for being a friend.." You are, indeed Golden Girls.

The song thing may be getting old, a good night's sleep should cure that, but I really do appreciate your friendship and encouragement.


Isn't life just wonderful? it is so awesome when you are blessed with yet another chance to blossom. I'm so excited for you and I look forward to you sharing your "aha!" moments with us.

P.S. love the fabric chart... so you!



I am so happy for you! I need to go back to school, too. How exciting! Your sewn circle is beautiful!
It is an amazing class! I am glad you are part of it!
I now have many tunes in my head ;D

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