I don't shock easily.
After all. I have a child born without eyes and a daughter who dresses up as a fly.
But a few weeks ago something happened that really shook me.
The world did not end. Nobody died. My children and grandchildren are all healthy. My dogs are still keeping us safe from marauding raccoons that make our garbage cans go bump in the night. We have a roof over our head and the sun keeps coming up in the morning.
Still, I needed to process things and had a few weeks of radio silence.
During that time, I read the blog of a woman I just met a few weeks ago and discovered that we had a common experience. We both survived a great loss. By sharing her story with me, through her blog, she showed me that I have already lived through experiences far more devastating. I was reminded that I am a strong woman, capable of overcoming incredible challenges. Reaching out to others may not be the main reason women blog, but it's often what happens when we share the stories of our lives.
Great things also happened over the past few weeks: birthdays, quilt tops, block swaps and visits with the grands. I can't wait to show and tell! That's the real reason we blog; we didn't get enough time to show our stuff during preschool and kindergarten.
We are restoring karmic balance.
And we get to show pictures of our grown children wearing fly masks.